Scrabble - Take that, Grandma!
"Some people take scrabble very seriously... Set to 'Hurray' by Kalan Porter".
nicely made, although not the first time someone's tried the scrabble/lyrics idea - there's a pretty damn similar pull tiger tail video:
there's a also a wicked King of the Hill sequence during a boggle championship that's like this - melodramatic crash zooms on the scores etc. but hey, everything's been done before to an extent, and they do it nicely..
however, just to be a ratass-scrabble-pedant - when he makes the word 'hurray', he wouldn't be picking the letters still out of the bag on his turn. that's cheating y'all. i'm like totally totally upset by that untruth. that and the fact that i have no idea what they're doing at the end just laying words on the board randomly... that's just weird. that's not scrabble.