New M.I.A. video - "Jimmy"

Directed by Colonel Blimp new director Nez 21.7MB - 320 x 240
Thousand-hand Bodhisattva
Wrong aspect ratio?
Original track taken from a 70s/80s Bollywood movie called "Disco Dancer". "Aaja" means "come."
I actually own "disco dancer" on lp... they've sorta got the aesthetic down... but man, where the hell is "jimmy"?!
I can't figure out why MIA's videos seem so allergic to production value despite the fact that they presumably have decent budgets.
The lack of production value, is the production value. Duh.
There's like 50 videos for this album already. When's it gonna come out?
yeah wrong aspect ratio... either that or they're deliberately giving her the 'RachelStevensStretch'. which would be worrying.
agree with nice aesthetic, although sometimes think the deliberate lack of production value maybe working to a disadvantage; wasn't sure if the floating rave boxes bit was bad-meant-to-be-good, actually good, or was just plain bad.
mia rocks the house! saam would be a perfect candidate for the next single, he have a similar feeling in his videos
The song/vid are based on an early 1980's bollywood movie clip. The original is here.
i was hoping someone might elaborate on the 'RachelStevensStretch.' i would be interested to know what exactly that refers to.
sorry... 'RachelStevenStretch' was a term i basically made up, because they used to deliberately stretch the image on a lot Rachel Stevens videos, to make her appear a little more, ahem, slim.
Needless to say, it's pretty ridiculous and sick, because objectively speaking Rachel Stevens is daaaamn fine without it anyway.
but yeah, i think they do it on quite a lot of videos, esp dance ones. of course it's hard to spot, because so many channels/post companies screw up the aspect ratio anyway!
love m.i.a.'s other vids esp galang. this is an ugly song and the video is not good
you always stretch female artistes... usually 4%... best to do it in the TK...
pandaman - always? seems a little exagerated. anyway, let's hope people grow out of doing it...
Actually, at least one known director does 10% as a rule.
why grow out of it? If done subtly then it increases the aesthetic... which often in the case of the beauty shoot is our resposibility... however if you wanted to get into the whole anorexic problem and it's links to womens portrayal in the media well...
social resposibility as filmakers? hmm?
Dir En Grey - Obscure