Talib Kweli "Hot Thang/In the Mood" dir. Bernard Gourley

Kweli gets personal again
i like this, but it is quite similar to the HP hands by Motion Theory: www.motiontheory.com
that's being gracious. this is a complete and total ripoff.
I wonder if everyone involved including Talib were trying to pretend like they werent making a an HP ad. Why on Earth !!!!!!!!!!!
hiscores is right on, but I still enjoyed it. I would think they ripped it off knowingly, but if the song wasn't solid I don't think I'd care to watch the whole thing. it's well choreographed.
wtf? I suppose this would of made sense if they had parodied the ads instead of completely copying them. And it even makes less sense here because the ads were supposed to be showing what the (always really obvious) mystery person had on their computer. C'mon Gourley.