REQUEST: Tiger Lou "Sam, As In Samantha" (Dir. Magnus Renfors)
Video and song are incredible.
Does someone have a HQ version?
I loved the simplicity of it and the way in which all the environments and movement were implied within the same stage.
Thanks much, kayser!
That's awesome. My favorite videos are always the ones that use a teeny tiny handful of resources to pack a big emotional punch.
It's like a lower-budget version of that Interpol video, only much better.
Man I love this video so much.
Great work.
Yeh this is effin brilliant.
Although i didn't like the putting the photos on the guys chest, tad too forced.
really really nicely done, esp the lip sync.
The ER environment reminds me of this Spooks clip "Things I've Seen" (version 1)
Even more chillin' emergency ward bloodshead (SeeYa -Shoes, with English subs)
the .mov link is broken kayser, do you still have it?
Great stuff; love the general, understated tawdriness of phone and money being nicked along the way.