THE O.N.E. - tPC, dir. CDUB
sup antville people, looking for some feedback on this new one i did. Any and all feedback is appreciated! thanks!

What Camera did you use? Did you use any kind of additional lightning? (outside the windows). I don't like HipHop.. but i like the camerawork of this one.
Thanks, props to my DP, Mike Dallatorre( We shot 35, anamorphic. It was very minimal lighting. We were up a few stories, so we werent able to put anything outside....
I love the vibe and organic feel of the video. Always nice to see people doing something different with hiphop.
You're really good at that, C-dub. Please keep making more.
great intimacy, camera and edit on that first part. (not sure what the second bit was.) you've come a long way...
man that's nice. 1st half absolutely beautiful - love the producer in the other room; wicked to see realistic & beautiful portrayal of the music actually getting made (the bit with wind blowing through the curtains behind him, fucking ayyy, feels like you're actually in the room)... but yes, just not sure about the 2nd half - it's a cool idea, with 2 completely different feels, but maybe the transition into it; split screen & writing bit doesn't work so well? feels a bit of a let down after the honesty & intimacy before...
but wicked work. and yeah mad props to your DP - it's beautiful.
Some nice n’ well observed touches of human intimacy and interaction contained in the indoors sequence, but the clip, it unravels somewhat on the roof scene, like it woz two different songs Be much better with the roof lyric sequence pulled n a Long Tall Sally loop applied! Still that’s the recording engineers job not the video director’s! Good stuff dub
Looks great, C-dub. Congrats.
thanks people for the feedback. Much appreciated!!!