spreech, September 7, 2007 at 11:55:45 AM CEST
Darren Hayman "eastbourne lights"

progosk, September 7, 2007 at 12:29:34 PM CEST
perfect martin parr zen. (previously.)
spreech, September 7, 2007 at 1:33:31 PM CEST
yeah, parresk. still thankful you once posted the caravan song.
kayser_sauze, September 7, 2007 at 5:22:32 PM CEST
mpg self-directed?
spreech, September 7, 2007 at 8:40:58 PM CEST
seems like. i didn't found any information about the director. (the same with the tother wo hayman-videos progosk linked here)