Les Objets "La normalité" "Sarah" (Michel Gondry)

La normalité: watch, read and download Sarah: watch, read and download
"watch, read" = dedlinks.
i know kayser is reliable source but i still won't believe this was done by michel gondry.
Early work is a bitch, ain't it? Sarah is one of his earliest vids.
Peter & the Electro-Kitsch Band "Dad, laisse-moi conduire la cad" u2b Energy Orchard "How the West Was Won" text Laurent Voulzy "Paradoxal système" avi Mark Curry "Blow Me Down" u2b Jean-François Coen "La tour de Pise" mov Les Négresses Vertes "Hou! Mamma Mia" rm Stina Nordenstam "Little Star" flv
La tour da pise is on Michel's DVD (link). Kayser you challenge my laziness! Thanks for the links.
Trouble with YouTube and all of these links is it'll probably make Michel less likely to release a 2nd DVD. Nice to see 'em, though.
Kev, are you aware of the video Michel did for The Adverts (ref)?
News to me! Thanks for that. I'll look into it although it sounds like I won't find anything based on Tim's response.
Lol on the Michel is clinically insane part. I'm surprised he's not an Aries.
Kev, I guess I found Michel's EDF ad?
the EDF looks more like a not very successful attempt at gondry-style, than actual gondry...
That does look a lot like Gondry. The ad actually looks like this video. (edited comment)
Super Numeri's "The Coastal Bird Scene" was directed by Álvaro Ramírez. Only problem is that the NYT article descripes "a short work-in-progress", a "test for a commercial for the French electric company, Électricité de France." He only learns later "he had the job."
kayser: I just got word that that is the EDF ad. The bit Lauri posted was probably that test the NYTimes mentioned. I'll have more about this later on my site..