Plug-In City - "Broke On A Wheel" Directed by Family

more photos: watch the video here:
Higher res QT Mov here. I guess on Blimp site soon too if QT link dies
So beautifully shot!
Solid cinematography and a reasonable color design doesn't do enough to disguise a stale narrative.
Great video, beautiful photography, cool track.
I dont agree with hex thruster above, that just comes over as industry bitchiness. Personally I think the beauty in the narrative is the fact that it IS subtle. It would screw it up and lose its beauty doing any more
i dig it.
what if she was carrying a nintendo and then the game glitches out. would that guy have to blow into her cartridge?
beautiful job on those props. oniric enuf, but, yeah, limps a little...
subtle? id call it obvious, lacking in impact and something that an art student would dream up and try to make. the only difference is someone is willing to sink a little $$ into the props and production.
yes looks nice, props are nice, the people look nice.... must mean its a good video?
So retro. so future. so nostalgic. so now.
What the fuck is the world coming to. Why do people feel like they have to pat every director on the back theat manages to shoot a music video cohesively. They aren't disabled, well, ok maybe these guys from family are...
This is a cascading fountain of fermented horse cum and dead birds spewing forth from the modular geyser.
xoxoxo parmezan.
I first got shocked at the treatment Diane Martel got on this site. I come to this site to check out good videos and all I get subjected to is this venomous schoolyard evil. You regular overtly nasty bloggers should be ashamed of yourselves and the way you talk. It is not critique, it is trash talk from idle losers, likely with nothing better to do than talk shit about others due to your own inadequacies. You shit talking guys (you know who you are) are solely responsible for ruining what used to be a great site. It is a shame there is not an editor to ban you regulars who day in - day out talk garbage about videos and the directors. It really is blindingly pathetic.
lana's pissed...
hhhmmm interesting..... Its strange how its ok to completely right off culturally backwards feature films like die hard 4 or the bourne ultimatum or some garbage but to see blinding faults in the music video genre is a no no just because its a struggling creative industry.... I am so sick of a general public who sits down and just takes what is shovelled to them just because somebody else has decided its ok. I want the majority of things i enjoy such as films, music videos, art etc to be interesting, original, challenging, progressive and even aestheticly pleasing. Not for my brain to go to sleep whilst i wait for that 5% of quality that comes along. Maybe Parmezans last comment was too offensive but i'd rather read a balanced mixture of good, bad and helpful comments on this site then the usual conglomerate of .... 'WOW!!! a music video! I havn't seen one of those before!....good work, keep it up!' . Thats the sort of attitude that occurs in primary school or in some sort of weird elitist cult.
Actually most of us have probably watched a couple of thousand music videos in our life time and an infinity of tv and films and whether we know it or not probably have quite refined and informed tastes. So stop catering for the lowest common denominator. Those people already have hollywood and mtv.
Now that a fight's broken out, I'm too late in saying this, but: Great vid. My second-fave from Family (the Mike Mills thing being #1.)
Parmezan's fountain comment should probably be framed.
I realise my comment was closer to a fiery fist of satan than constructive critique.
I wouldn't say these things if I didn't feel passionately about the music video industry, and it saddens me when I see a lot of time and money being wasted in cultural backtracking by people like family and modular.
This isn't a matter of personal respect for directors, (and I'm sorry if I have offended you Lana), but In my opinon there is not enough emphasis on the quality of CONCEPTS in the music video and advertising industries. This was a bad concept, and it seems that piece of the pie was lost in the midst of high-quality colour grading and cinematography (and possibly also the construction of a large-scale walkman)....
Everyone knows that it is the anonymity of the internet that takes away the need for politeness and manners etc...
Those of us with a little soul retain politeness and manners when anonymous, but if someone is a vile twatty little cock duster deep down, that anonymity will allow them to reveal their true selves.
I don't see the point in taking the time to criticise something unless if offends you in a very serious way.
I personally enjoyed this video. Nice mood.
what people fail to mention is the videos that have more than 2 comments are the ones that get seen. Had a fight not broken out I would never have seen this.
The majority of videos on antville suffer the cruelest fate of all - they're neither hated nor loved, they're ignored.
Now that I've seen it.... it's not bad. Cute, harmless.
The Modular bands are always so cool; so it's dissapointing that they wouldn't want to appear in a video.
This looks like a combination between gregory crewdson and a chupa chups ad. gay.