NPR/WNYC Soundcheck: Music Video 2.0 - "I want my 'net TV"

thanx for that
i would loooveee to hear 30f's take on this 'in -depth and well researched' take on the state of music videos.
Well, I'm no 30F, but I guess I'll have to do: Music Video on the Radio: The Sacred Cows are Dead.
Wow, that was NPR-ish. I kept waiting for the damn thing to get started. I felt like they were setting stuff up and we were gonna get to the meaty revelations – which never came. In a previous post I joked about NPR being gentle. That thing was soooo gentle, they didn’t want to shock us with any new information – we might have a stroke.
I guess that was a story for the Normal People – of which there are many. Most regular folks have no idea that music videos have budgets, let alone that those budgets have fallen recently. Take the host, for example, who could come up with just one big budget MV (Thriller) and used it as his example over and over again. I am obviously being sarcastic here. Nice people doing a nice story before they have some nice tea. Just prob not anything of value for us types that spend much time here on antville.
Two upside of that piece:
- Coining the phrase “Tom Sawyer” for fan made music videos. Maybe that has been used before, but it was new to me.
- The post from James on SRO. I didn’t really get much about MTV out of that podcast, but James gets into it pretty good. I don’t agree with all his conclusions, but I am just a contrarian sunovabitch. It is a good read and more worth the time of someone who cares about music videos than the gently primer podcast from NPR.
Someone on Idolator said that they learned more about the album than MTV in James' post, and I'd agree.
To reiterate 30f's post: Early MTV was good shit. The reason it was cool is because it gave viewers what they didn't have yet: a sense of cool, of contentment, of connection.
Today even the Internet can't do that because the Internet isn't a definable entity. It's not computers or corporations that connect people, it's we that are connecting. That's cool. Everything else is shit.
(Pass the dutchie, man..)
Ha. I found this goofy post I made almost two years ago about the ”problem” with MTV.