José González "Killing For Love" dir. Mögel & Andreas Nilsson

The sequel to Mögel & Andreas' first vid for José's new album. Some nudity.
nilsson's always fresh, but i wouldn't have minded some closure here. (gonzález sleight of hand is outright annoying: how do such powerful notes come out of such minimal gestures?!)
some nice ideas and interesting parts but didn't really do it for me as a whole. I really enjoyed some of the animation but other bits seemed like a weak version of some of encyclopedia picturas stuff.
The grading and post fog effects look quite beautiful but it seems pointless to have a surreal character in such a setting it just distanced me from the character and made me lose interest in any sort of loose narrative that was at play. I really dig the idea that this video is a sequel but i def prefer the 1st one.
Also the obvious after effects plug-ins were very dissapointing to see. hmmmm i think this is my least favourite piece of Nilsson's work ive een.
there might be another episode in the making. effects aside, its got a pig man putting on tinfoil shorts, and squeezing psychedelic gases from a trout... loving this song right now.