Kenna "Say Goodbye to Love" : Dir. Hype Williams

Made on the cheap, and much much better than the last few he's done.
Kev: This was so worth a post.
Seems like someones gone over the top with the Effects on After Effects!
Where the bit with the hood? thats what i was looking for
I like this, but it's hard to divorce Hype from videos like this where things are a bit less claustrophobic, but I guess that's the era we're in.
We need more experimental Hype videos like this.
Good stuff. I bet you five bucks that it would look like shit on TV though.
that felt good.
I am not the biggest Hype fan, however i very much doubt Hype would ever produce a promo that "looks like shit on T.V' it may not look like a typical hype Video but i doubt it would look like shit. I am surprised no one has mentioned the obvious "Fear and Loathing" homages, from the opppening titles to many of the online effects, AND I think Hype tried to one up Giliam in terms of a Gonzo feel by choosing video as an originatiion format. Definately one of my more favorite Hype videos since "Gold Digger".
Funny how 4 of the last 5 Hype videos have a Pharrell connection (Kenna is signed to Star Trak)
that was better than alot of the stuff Hype's been doing recently. Liked this one.
liked the tune, but really couldn't care much about the pictures... i dunno, i think more story less hype. or else just make straight hype, but this kind of in between hype is just hype.
I am a big hype fan...more so because i am more attached to the mid 90's hip hop whose image that he helped mold. I must say though..that I immedietly say the "fear and loathing" references..and i am getting a little discouraged in his recent biting binge (stronger, fam-lay, etc) and he does do that alot. I am feeling his selection of artists though...and am still wondering what type of contract he has with pharrell...i mean damn! But a refreshing display nonetheless.