Simian Mobile Disco, "Hustler" (Dir. Ace Norton)

Via Partizan
it's compelling but not quite sure if I like it. Curious to see if this goes 'viral.'
what was that awful video from a few years ago where the girls are drinking pink liquid? this one was better than that.
beatiful in a nauseating kind of way. couldn't stop watching.
it's better than their last one for 'i believe'
This video is great. I love how it keeps developing. I really dont' like Ace Norton. But here he's being restrained, controlled, and applying his idea well.
Yes, gross. . . gross and great!
i personally far prefer the original
come on its a terrible video...
hasn't anyone here seen windowlicker? idea for idea, if not shot for shot.
the original is not so good. the revolving camera made me more sick than the sickness in this video. i do like the bush vs. tony blair video on that web site. bottom row, second from left.
windowlicker. thats true, even the song is very similar in one part. still a great vid.
benny benassi called. he wants his windowlicker back. (juvenile, but still nicely pushed.)
really uninspiring and boring.
re: Windowlicker
Yes, there's a similarity, but even you know that Cunningham recycled the idea himself -- first using Richard James's creepy mug in "Come To Daddy" and then "Windowlicker".
Also, I think Windowlicker is a commentary on Rap music videos, where as Hustler is about the perils of indulgence. The girls are greedy, gluttonous and vain. Then suddenly, it's as if evil gets inside them, poisons them and makes them vomit finger-paint. I think there are similarities between the videos but they're not really about the same thing.
re: the song
Attack Decay Sustain Release is hands down one of the best albums of 2007. I'm waiting for a "Hotdog" video.
re: Girls Drinking pink liquid video
It's MSTRKRFT "Easy Love"
i'm so relieved i was not turned on by that whatsoever
@lisanowak Yeah, I thought it was kind of a parody/social commentary kind of thing.
@captainmarc22 That song was better, but this video is much more fascinating.
Yeah, this was totally gross (I was eating while watching it - bad idea) but somehow absolutely enthralling.
...and I was SO glad I wasn't turned on by this.
Right yes kind'a Lardarsey in a River Phoeinx kine a'way ....(Stand by me)
Biggest pile of contrived shit i've seen in ages!!!
The original shoots this one outta the water
How about the obvious Cunningham rip off with the 'sexy girls' wearing hideous man masks? C'mon, I've never seen an Ace Norton video that doesn't rip on current directors...I think its okay to take from old or little known or classsic things to bring new light and refresh ideas to a new audience..but this is just theft...
both Windowlicker and this video are essentially about consumption - be it sexual, economic, or epicureal. So, there's really no denying the Cunningham/Aphex precedent in this case. Though instead of flapping cullulite booty and gorgeous lighting, we're given a huge lazy susan and SNL projectile vomit. All that said - I liked it up until they donned the masks. Especially the credit card cunnilingus. funny stuff.
polished turd
First things first...
Why make another video?
Saam's video was great.
And once they decided to make another video... why make one that would offend people even more than the first one?
The new one is fun but Ace lost me when he went to the masks. I dont need to rehash what everyones been saying but its just SOOO chris cunningham. Why? It would have been fine if the hot chicks just continued to get messy, why give them ripoff masks?
All of this is puzzling to me. Saam 1 Ace 0
Boo hoo. All the Antvillians are such babies. Slow motion vomiting is fun, people. Just accept it. There should be a "hot chicks barfing at 600 frames per second" channel.
And as for the Cunninham think there's only one person that can comment on excess? Does Chris hold the patent on scary rubber masks? I get it, it's similar in certain ways but who cares? It's funny. I suppose he could have ditched the masks but they help make the end more cartoony and satirical than realistic and disturbing.
As for the issue of Saam's version versus Ace's, I say that both videos are equally awesome. I'm still not sure why they chose to put more money into a different video, but that's not Ace's fault, it's the label's.
Now if only the girls were puking on that creepy dude that runs American Apparel, that'd be a video we could all get behind.
I imagine most of you saw this already, but if not, Perez Hilton posted it on his site today. People are ripping it apart.
And now... Dov Charney being puked on.

Tee hee! I almost didn't recognize him without his teeny shorts and perv-stache.
More spewage of liquids from the new video for Operator Please's latest single "Leave It Alone."
Director: Duncan Skiles .flv
google doesn't always gives you the results wanted...? probably you just don't (know how to) use it. Searching for "operator please leave it alone dir" gives "Dir: Duncan Skiles" and a nice flv. kinda easy. even w/o "dir" the brille records page is among the top 3 (or top 6, depending on how you count) search results.
i am probably more computer savvy than you (i code for a living), but jesus, i didn't come here to be insulted. i DID google it... however, instead of googling "operator please leave it alone dir," i googled "operator please leave it alone director," which gives me nothing (try it if you don't believe me).
i've tried to contribute to this community over here and follow the rules (hey, i did post the .MOV for the New Young Pony Club video), but you guys sure can be asses...
kayz is something of an archivist hardliner. much as i still gag on u2b, your contributions are appreciated, weluv.
please don't get me wrong, i'd rather post something of better quality than u2b... but sometimes, that's all i can find. it's not like i like watching pixelated music videos...
on which topic: let's hope more bands/labels/directors start using vimeo's hd. pretty impressive in full-screen mode...
This is a truly awful video.
The death of a genre hopefully.
seems like there is a collective animosity toward ace... why?
If you lose your at home, do you only look for it in one room?
what kind of moron loses his wallet in his own home?
Mr Creosote might have but its clear, such was never part of the plot!