Kaiser Chiefs, "Love's Not A Competition" (dir. Jim Canty)

QT via HSI.
Brilliant. So Simple.
Holy shit is this classy. What a lens!
Who was the DP -- or more importantly, your cam op?
one shot, one word - class
I'm not sure I get it.. Is this a straight man's soliloquy?
kevathens really needs to have a gay man's round table or something. at least once a month he posts a comment hoping to provoke some kind of homosexuality discourse. what does this video have to do with being gay or straight?
i second scooper and lusk, this is real class. I also dig the subtle blur faces of the pedestrians.
Then what does it mean? I'm not getting the same feeling for this as the first three commenters, but would like to.
i like this video purely for the way it was shot. but i too don't understand anything outside of that
love this sort of formalist concept. (wtf lens is that? dop = tom townend?) wondering, tho, whether more might have been made of the preamble.
Rather with kev on this one, in that I don't get it. It's almost like the first third of a video (in fact the song seems to die out before it's own development section, ahem...)
It is however, great fun to try and spot the ADs/runners handling the band on the ground whilst trying to be 'part of the crowd'.
This is good, enjoyable without feeling heavy-handed. Reminds me of the opening for 'The Conversation (1974)'.
In a very strange way, this was moving.
The first thought I had was how familiar its approach is to R.E.M.'s "Imitation Of Life" video, one of my personal all-time favorites (which might be why I personally feel this KC piece is effective).
I think both videos explore the vague concept also present in a film like "Blowup" (1966) in which the viewers eye is made to feel like they are studying a series of photos.
The camera was stationed atop a building, which made it easy to convey the alienation present in such a big city (NYC) and song.
Very simple, very effective.
very much opennig of 'the converstaion'. really really nicely done though, that first shot for one... wow. i like it, dunno what it means, but who gives a crap?