Black Moth Super Rainbow, "Sun Lips" (dir. Matt Dilmore)

this is frickin greaaaaaaaaat!!!!
I really dig it, cute and yet nauseating and the ending is superb.
its really nice when a video feels like it wasn't just bashed out in an afternoon and has a complete feel to it, some of these scenes feel like they're taken out of a indie flick, like george washington but more kitsch.
got my vote!
amazing vid! with a capital A....
(or is it A as in A-C-I-D trip?)
almost feels like some kind of museum piece....
does anyone know if this is part of a larger piece the band or director is working on?
Is that a LYNX?! Amazing. AMAZING.
Put it on the monthly favs, this ones a winner.
is the same guy who did
Big fan of the all powerful BMSR and the video does not disappoint.
Is this Dilmore's first vid? I've found some other stuff he's done, but no videos.
This video's great, I'm really impressed.