Great Lake Swimmers "Your Rocky Spine", Dir: Scott Cudmore

Pulled from the archives of CJWW, a small Niagara, Ontario area public access station, Your Rocky Spine is a sort of musical travelogue through various artificial landscapes of mixed Canadiana. A bit of backstory: CJWW, now defunct, was known for producing bad sketch comedy shows and other bits of public access television that nobody looked at, but was renowned for producing these quite elaborate performance pieces which would air between their regular programming. Great Lake Swimmers were the last band to produce one of these segments before the station folded, and Scott was lucky enough to have been asked to direct the segment in the CJWW studio space.
oh, hi. here is a MOV
Cute vid, Scott. I like the atmosphere on this one a lot.
(Full disclosure: Scott is a friend of mine, but if I didn't like this, I wouldn't say I did ;)
Relaxing as a cool Lake Ontario swim Scott. Very appropriate. Also, you and Tony Dekker are starting to look a like. ;) -j (Disclosure: I've had a beer with him.)
Totally a good guy to have beers with.