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Wintergreen "Can't Sit Still" Dir: Keith Schofield

Watch indie rock band Wintergreen as they follow step-by-step instructions to synthesize drugs from common household items.

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ai, November 6, 2007 at 9:51:52 AM CET

OK let's talk responsability.

hiconcept, November 6, 2007 at 11:38:32 AM CET

I'm all about this, what a great idea.

In regards to responsibility or a lack thereof, I will only say that these lengthy and time consuming measures are what happens when you make it absurdly hard to get drugs labled as research chemicals off the internet. Won't somebody please think of the children.

progosk, November 6, 2007 at 12:26:56 PM CET

on which point: endangered chems.

kevathens, November 6, 2007 at 12:30:10 PM CET

Lame. Akerlund treats drugs better because he shows the shitty side to them. This is all sun and no screaming vortex of madness. Thumbs down, unless these are bunk instructions, in which case, it's a decent video.

mtee, November 6, 2007 at 1:10:46 PM CET

Responibility aside, I just think this is a tired old video, with an issue that is over. Drugs happened, we lived with it. who cares? If I want an instructional video I'd rather learn how to make a nice pasta sauce a'la Daft Punks Revolution 909. But maybe i'm getting old......

progosk, November 6, 2007 at 1:22:04 PM CET

hits the spot, in an age of obscurantist paranoia. you're just one google away from figuring out it's bunk - apart from that, i find it totally appropriate as a commentary on the fucked-up afternoons of a whole generation. (didn't expect the hand-wringing here, of all places...) re: drugs, åkerlund/aronofsky = porn.

piore, November 6, 2007 at 6:26:58 PM CET

i tried cooking up all these ingredients and i got nothing but headache and ruined my Foreman grill! FALSE ADVERTISING man, i'm coming after you Schofield!

winchandpulley, November 6, 2007 at 7:26:17 PM CET

What are you talking about, Piore? I did it a week ago and I'm still high. I think everyone should try this at least once in their life. It's like absinthe times infinity.

r-dogg, November 6, 2007 at 9:30:43 PM CET

I agree with the issue of responsibility. Not once does Mr. Schofield state the cost of these ingredients and the measurable amount to be used. I mean, I've only got $10.35 in my checking account. Will it be enough to get me high or will I have to supplement it with food stamps? (by the by, this video is awesome)

spit, November 6, 2007 at 9:48:43 PM CET


robodrug, November 6, 2007 at 11:47:02 PM CET

Yes Prog that reminds me, reading your link, my father deeply regretted giving me a chemistry set when I was six years old. Within a week of receiving it, I had mastered the theory of nuclear fusion and unfortunately created a minute atomic explosion in my back bedroom

Upsettingly for my neighbours, all the streets to a six miles radius or there about, had to be evacuated and cordoned off! My family with myself also had to be rescued and decontaminated! Still to a small child it was rather exciting being rescued by people in white protective suits I thought they were spacemen and we were about to go on a trip to the moon!

The Council Environmental Dept said it was lucky that the detonation had been a rather tiny pinpoint airburst and miraculously our house backed out onto a Lead Processing Plant, for the Plant’s continuous illegal emissions of fine lead particles saturated and polluted the surrounding area, so happily nullified the worse effects of the radiation fallout In fact it was safe to move freely within hours of the blast inside the evacuated cordon!

Still the house had to be demolished as there was a radiation hotspot with a half life of 10,000 yrs The land covered by the house deeds was hurriedly grubbed up and secretly shoved down a disused mine shaft, where because it was not disposed in a repository of hard fractured rock, radiation leached into the water table, only to be discovered later by some bloody eco git in his tap water!

Since it had been disposed and dumped into a pithead near the Sellafield nuclear processing plant, (formerly known as Windscale) Government ministers of the day were able to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the Sellafild management Tragically during this furore a rather senior member of the board took his own life The papers of the day were quick to point to a ‘San Marino Sex For Isotopes’ connection though to this day such conjecture remains unproven

My family were lucky the decontamination of our person had been timely and we were considered to have been exposed to no more than a total of 1.5 Gy and thankfully to this day have noticed no ill effects from my rather erroneous experiment, Though much to the chagrin of my mother, we were re-housed in an area she considered a step down in our social standing

Did I ever tell you about the time I sedated almost my entire school to the point of unconsciousness, by processing Barbituates from Urine in one of my chemistry classes? I had found a chapter in a school library science text book entitled ‘Basic Drugs from Urine’…. Cont.,

fungible, November 8, 2007 at 5:52:51 AM CET

Fucking hilarious. In its own way, it's quite anti-drug, because you never see the process behind the drugs people buy. On the other hand, anyone who willingly puts something based on Fresh Step kitty litter into their bodies gets whatever they deserve.

kns201, March 21, 2009 at 1:28:20 AM CET

"How to make Meth" was featured on this daytime TV medical news magazine; a segment about kids learning to make meth from the Internet.

Our footage is used at 0:54 - 1:00 and 1:30; and a couple of the screenshots are referencing it. I love how they blurred out the chemical formula; like an aspiring meth cook could figure it out if he only knew the correct molecule.

And check out 1:45 : Coming Up: Cocaine Taken Vaginally.

, March 21, 2009 at 11:14:42 AM CET

^^Keith, this only means that you have to make your next one on Taking Cocaine Vaginally. It'll probably be short, but will most def make the rounds.


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