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Van She - Cat & The Eye dir. Krozm

New video for Sydney act Van She, directed by Melbourne lads Krozm.


quizmaster, November 14, 2007 at 11:02:44 AM CET

Well done krozm! i think this video is quite refreshing for the australian music video scene.

parmezan, November 14, 2007 at 11:34:50 AM CET

That felt like a fresh juicy mango...

kansas, November 14, 2007 at 12:30:51 PM CET

yes tasty and seasonal. Keep up the good work.

progosk, November 14, 2007 at 12:56:06 PM CET

it is a bit of a grab-bag - but then mebbe i'm just not hip with teh renascent cult of ugly...

jeeesus pimp, November 14, 2007 at 2:36:34 PM CET

kind of like the mighty boosh meets 2001 a space odyssey.

vidbot, November 17, 2007 at 11:32:35 AM CET

Hipsters trying to be surrealist for a day and completely missing the point. It’s like an attempt to be Jodorosky but with designer hair and wearing Puma’s.

Also that is the most pretentious fucking aspect ratio I have ever seen I mean I like widescreen but what is this? “Van She filmed in glorious TRENDYVISION”

I for one am not fooled.

progosk, November 17, 2007 at 2:24:19 PM CET

pretty random 2.58:1 - slightly less wide(boy) than this...

benroll, November 17, 2007 at 4:56:12 PM CET

There's a lot to like about this. I thought that combination and collage of striking visual non-sequitur was Dada and Surrealism's number one weapon. This is full of strong visual ideas and nicely tied together with those sweeping camera moves.

OK, the imagery is too various to be challenging or meaningful and maybe the aspect ratio is trying to make it look blinger than its budget... but c'mon.. it's just a box.

vidbot, November 17, 2007 at 7:11:04 PM CET

Im sure the six year olds are loving it, all that craft!

bodysong, November 17, 2007 at 11:35:13 PM CET

rather trashy. I give you minus points for not giving a shit.

vidbot, November 18, 2007 at 12:11:19 AM CET

I see your 2.67:1 and raise you

wing, November 18, 2007 at 3:10:30 AM CET

That last shot is classy reminds me of the goodies.

parmezan, November 18, 2007 at 9:44:00 AM CET

I'm growing quite fond of this one, feels quite timeless in styles to me (if you take the band/music out of the equation)... vidbot seems to be throwing a tantrum over it for some reason... I for one am always slamming directors for not being bold, and I can gladly congratulate these aussie lads for taking a leap on this one... The ratio only looks slightly smaller than 16:9 letterbox to me, 1.85:1?... measuring tape?

progosk, November 18, 2007 at 10:06:17 AM CET


vidbot, November 18, 2007 at 1:57:00 PM CET

But how can you even watch the clip with all that wool over your eyes?

anteater, November 18, 2007 at 3:19:19 PM CET

i dont really understand the comment about jodorosky. Missing what point? Surrealism is only achieved if your a hobo?

vidbot, November 18, 2007 at 3:56:23 PM CET

Its obvious the creators of this video are attempting to create some kind of non-referential intangibility that is surreal in nature.

Surrealism is only really achieved in my opinion if your conscious mind doesn’t know what the frigg is going on but your unconscious is having its tummy tickled. Everyone involved in the conception, direction, performance and viewing of this video knows exactly what is going on…fashionable posing.

I would offer this

as an example of this kind of territory being more rambunctiously tackled

vulvamatic, November 19, 2007 at 1:55:39 AM CET

hmm, how do you channel the subconscious in such a precise process like film-making without having a clear idea of what's happening? Im sure even brunel had some kind of idea of what he was shooting when making his surrealist shorts. Good film-making doesn't allow for slack in the production process. if there isn't any good organization, then there is some good instinctual decisions at play here, and I'm very impressed that those elements came together in this video.

Anyway vidbot,maybe you should judge this video on it's own merits rather than write it off as being superficially trendy because of the label/band/whatever. Your jodorowsky reference is totally off mark, show me something in this video that has any sort of reference to jodorowsky. Isn't it a lot easier to name drop than make constructive criticism?

critiquer, November 19, 2007 at 12:51:57 PM CET

This video stinks, just aint well crafted, simple as that.

Many many small hiccups that bother me in this clip. eg. why not paint out the turntable!!??

It clearly lacks substance.

Theres also a real cheapness to the costuming and props.

Theres is absolutely no idea here...none, nada.

Semi pretty images arent going to do it for me.

Great song, bad video.

parmezan, November 19, 2007 at 3:26:46 PM CET


Seems to me that you're the only one person here with no idea...

for example: your earlier post (which you have since deleted, possibly to avoid embarrassment?)

also, vidbot,

You still aren't making much sense, you are saying you aren't allowed to know what is going on for it to be surreal, but it just has to be interesting or "tummy tickling"? Sounds like you are just trying to justify your own unfounded ramblings.

So you are implying there is some sort of universal black book of surrealism? have you achieved true surrealist zen powers? are you a level 60 surrealist wizard?

robodrug, November 20, 2007 at 3:21:14 AM CET

Rather charmingly moronic but infinitively better than this 80's Dog Police clip by Director Jill Mulharon which is held up as "a surrealist comedy gem"

The Dog Police to my mind is occupies the same shelf space as the second series of Dark Angel with its cod The Island of Dr. Moreau storyboard

Still nuffin new in the auld dogboy I guess, I hear Mel Brooks had a character called Barf in "Spaceballs" Why even the ancient Egyptians had a half dog/half human god called Anubis

My point? I think both vids Cat & The Eye/Dog Police suffer from an over application of the term surrealist, there's no fur lined tea cup, no clothes iron with six inch nails welded to its sole plate, no bicycle saddle and handle bar dexterously arranged into a bullshead. Why heck! There ain't even a manifesto vidbloged on the clips tellin' us the public, we are utter cretins and will buy it still and all. Whatever it is surreal don't play nice! And whatever the merits of these clips it ain't surreal!

quizmaster, November 20, 2007 at 7:08:43 AM CET

i agree, this isn't surrealism. Its more pop art then anything. The art direction is meant to be obtuse and trashy...jesus there are plastic lizards stuck to somebodies arms. I think a few of the commenters here are getting all bent out of shape because they have nothing to reference this clip too (hence the surrealism remarks). Its clear the references are more post modernism, pop art and comedy such as the mighty boosh etc... Its definitely an acquired taste. But that isn't to say it doesnt make sense. Also strange how as soon as modular are involved in any video on this site theres a whole circus of hoo haa? I am sure if modular weren't involved in this video then half of the people here wouldnt have bothered commenting.

thrashbag, November 20, 2007 at 1:20:12 PM CET

hmm i like this vid... It's crude but elegant / stylish but ugly. That last shot with all of the characters is pure genius.

matei-alexandru mocanu, April 12, 2008 at 5:57:22 PM CEST

very nice art direction & costume design. and btw i can only concur with what quizmaster has said.


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