Laura Peek - "Stand Right There" (Dir. Ante Kovac)
A birthday party... for cats!!
i love it, ante.
Great cinematography, nice spare direction, silly concept.
Quirk Video - silliness for silliness' sake.
This is becoming a fad as popular and as ultimately meaningless as the whole Hula Hoop thing. I can't help but feel that communicative talent is going to waste here.
It's clear Ante Kovac is a strong director and it's frustrating to see that this is the result of all that strength - 3 minutes of well shot and directed footage about several hipster characters throwing a birthday party for their cats.
The most annoying/saddening part is that segments of the antvillian crowd will come out of the woodwork to laud the pure inanity of the piece as if empty senselessness had some redemptive value in today's society.
I've been thinking the same thing
for the past few years
it's the perfect video for them. they love cats. they're not hipsters. look at their myspace. be happier.
silly cat parties are fun. get a life and keep your high brow hater comments to your nerdy self.
does she really have to look like a librarian
I always believed Antville was the place for 'nerdy' (aka thoughtful) discourse about videos...
Silly me, especially when the defenders of the video argue, 'cat parties are fun' and 'they love cats'.
Such strong arguments. I was wrong. This is a genius concept - cat parties are fun when you love cats.
Fantastic way to spend 20 - 40 thousand Canadian dollars.
exactly, quit acting like a dweeb and lighten up a little. you're using the word 'discourse' to talk about rock videos. have fun.
you're using the word 'discourse' to talk about rock videos
What's so bad about it? You have a certain concept of rock videos, kalstark has a different one, and so me. What's so bad about this?
Dont know what the fuss is about. The cinematographys not so great as to get worked up about it being wasted on cats... similarly the concepts not so good as to warrant making it. Only thing id say is i'm sick of these insipid milky pastel grades everyone wants these days.
yeah... kinda dull. i like the performance, i like the shots, but it doesn't go anywhere. really, you don't even see anything of the cats. i say more cats, if it's gonna be cats for cats' sake then gimme more cats. cats cats cats cats cats.
as for nerdy discourse about videos - i'm with kalstark, if this ain't the place, where is?
kalstark, silliness for silliness' sake? I can't believe you missed the video's obvious anti-capitalist, pro-anarchy message. The references to the Jena 6 were a bit much as well. If anything it's too preachy and pretentious.
my main issue with kalstark's post is really its insulting, high-horsian tone. it makes him seem like kind of a miserable downer. in any case, i would argue that silliness is very important to society (except fascist societies- see spit's post above).
So be it,
off my high-horse I get (just for you sleepy). ;P
The video is kinda boring and doesn't really drive to anything. The performance is a touch bland as well and all in all the concept seems like the whole goal is to generate interest by being silly.
On a more 'high-horsian' note - check out some of Ante Kovac's other videos; if you haven't already. He's a talented director with a keen eye. Review his portfolio and then tell me that this video ain't a bit of a let down.
P.S - (re: spit) I did see that the calico cat at the end had a small noose in its mouth and that its collar had a red 6 on the back but the Jena reference was so over the top and obvious that it seemed too garish to be worthy of note. Besides, it always irks me when Canadians feel justified in critiquing American racial tensions just because theirs are more carefully hidden.
Me likey. It's neat that they the dad from Squid and the Whale, and the tennis playing brother from Royal Tenenbaums were able to put Martha Plimpton in a B-52s wig and start a band. Good on 'em!
It's neat that there seems to be an insurgence of cat videos. Like this one for The Concretes. I'm putting dibs on beagle videos. That's mine, suckas.
winchandpulley: Pleix beat you to it. But there's always room for one more.
I like it. It looks nice, I like her cheeky, coy performance and it felt fresh compared to a lot of things around at the moment.
Laura Peek and the Winning Hearts are anything but "hipsters." They're from Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada. Ever been to the Maritimes? They're the friendliest people. Even the label they're on is called "Just Friends." They're a twee-ish pop band and though i hate cats, this was the perfect video for them. It's supposed to be silly and innocent.
To be fair: Halifax is not a hipster-free-zone. Nowhere is anymore. The Maritime provinces have always been home to bands with "friends" in their name (remember Superfriendz?). We're talking proto-hipster here. Hah.