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Kate Nash "Pumpkin Soup" dir. Kinga Burza


Tripfontaine disabled the comments on the previous post, so here it is again, in Quicktime flavor..

Quicktime - Quicktime

spreech, November 26, 2007 at 8:27:05 PM CET

the weakest song on her popsaving album - this video seems to be from another time, a bit ABCs-look-of-love-like, finally: quiet charming.

captainhairy, November 26, 2007 at 10:07:29 PM CET

the setups are fun, but its shot and edited in a really static and undynamic way.

mva, November 27, 2007 at 9:10:02 AM CET

i miss foundations

engles, November 27, 2007 at 8:06:26 PM CET

Loved this. Really cute, playful and fun. I thought the 'staticness' worked with the whole setup and styling of the video. Would have felt very wierd to have fast cuts and 'dynamic' camera in typical music video formula. The whole thing made me think of how i might have dreamed my ideal future as a kid in the 80s. The postcard cats, and loved the childrens TV presenter gay boyfriend. genius ( :

missytruman, November 27, 2007 at 9:37:05 PM CET

Nice art direction but I think it is far from genius. The set ups are quite cool but it is lacking both an idea and dynamic direction.

A bunch of giant cats, kate nash and a gay presenter waving coloured balloons and knitted bears around singing does not really do it for me. Tight static shots and slight push in's do not help it move along atall. That set could of been covered in a much tighter way...

I think nash should mix up her directors a bit as isnt this the same person who has done all of em? All a bit samey for my liking!

What has happened to music videos with ideas lately? I havnt seen something I have liked on this site for yonks :((((


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