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The White Stripes - Conquest (dir. Diane Martel)

bodysong, November 26, 2007 at 10:51:59 PM CET

from semi classy to shameful in less than 3 minutes.

familiar, November 26, 2007 at 10:56:14 PM CET

Whoever edited this kinda destroyed the video. Really. Bad.

bodysong, November 26, 2007 at 10:58:01 PM CET

correction familiar, whoever directed this destroyed the video.

familiar, November 26, 2007 at 11:53:14 PM CET

Martel takes so much shit on here I feel a bit guilty adding to it.

captainmarc22, November 27, 2007 at 12:07:28 AM CET

After (hypothetically) reading the treatment, I would've said to Diane: "Well this could be good but the band would NEVER go for it. And, how would you make the bull look sad without making it look cartoony?"

spit, November 27, 2007 at 12:21:06 AM CET

Captain, I think the 'cartoony' look was intentional. Martel has been taking a lot of aesthetic risks lately (to the complete bemusement of antville ), and I have to admit I find it exciting (the work, as well as the bemusement).

familiar, November 27, 2007 at 12:32:44 AM CET

I have no issue with the "risks and aesthetics" here. Do you really think this is a good edit?

spit, November 27, 2007 at 12:34:54 AM CET

No, I don't really like the edit.

parmezan, November 27, 2007 at 3:57:29 AM CET

Yeah, Diane really has taken a lot of punishment on here recently, his last Editors video for example....

Not much to like here. Just one huge triple cheese burrito. Editing adds to the mess but is not completely responsible... and don't start me on the 3d bull face.....

Aesthetic risks? I have to disagree with you spit... I think it just comes down to bad decisions and poor foresight. Wasn't at all exciting for me I'm sorry.

surely, November 27, 2007 at 5:30:27 AM CET

Jack White is the new Super Animal

moonman, November 27, 2007 at 6:39:40 AM CET

first the awful killers video (not the one with reed), then editors, now this... someone must tell her that her comic sense is out of place... by the way that super animal stuff is amateur, nobody in mexico knows about it

mva, November 27, 2007 at 9:09:13 AM CET

jack white... is no longer cool

bakedbean, November 27, 2007 at 10:50:31 AM CET

If this had been by anyone else it'd have been shunned without comment, but everyones yelping about how bad it is cos its 'the stripes'... so what? The video is no worse than the song, which itself is dire. I actually found the vid so bad it made me laugh, and that endeared it to me, which is more than i can say about the song...

In regards to the bull - of COURSE they know it looks stupid, its obviously the point. Whether that point was worth embellishing to the extent of actually making the video is debatable, but dont make out like youve spotted some minute continuity error that unravels a pretentious premise - art it aint, nor is it intended to be.

But yeah, the edit is bullshit.

davidfwall, November 27, 2007 at 10:53:39 AM CET

I prefer the unofficial gladiator edit

posted a while back

kevathens, November 27, 2007 at 1:52:31 PM CET

I've seen this on TV (without the YouTube noise), and it may not be the best music video of all time, but it works really well with the track. Definitely better than the unofficial one, which is made for Gladiator fans, not White Stripes ones.

bakedbean, November 27, 2007 at 3:04:51 PM CET

Does the track sound better on tv?

jesse.ewles, November 27, 2007 at 5:45:26 PM CET

It's okay. I don't know why everyone's reacting so passionately. Are White Stripes everyone's dream job or something? -j

quark, November 27, 2007 at 8:16:30 PM CET

maybe it's because the White Stripes have a history of being the so-called "new Bjork" when it comes to videos. all their vids and choice of directors (sofia coppola, floria sigismondi, michel gondry) are excellent, but this is just trash. oh well, even bjork did hidden place, and she never really recovered.

daftstar, November 27, 2007 at 9:14:01 PM CET

this video is great - perfect for the track! why is everyone talkin so much shit on it?

spit, November 27, 2007 at 11:31:50 PM CET

Wow, I didn't expect this to turn so violent so fast. I tend to agree with 'bean', that the video complements the song's self-aware silliness, and I think the fact that it fully commits is commendable. The decision to go with a cartoon cgi bull instead of, let's say, a paper mache stop-motion bull or some other lo-fi indicator of 'indie cool', is testament to how far Diane was willing to commit. The song feels like a fun piss-take and so does the video. Compare it to the unofficial 'gladiator version' that was posted above and notice how the latter completely misses the humor of the song. That being said, I really wish the edit was stronger.

justjoan, November 27, 2007 at 11:49:32 PM CET

bulls are male, no? does this mean that Jack White is gay?

hassinator, November 28, 2007 at 4:17:59 PM CET

hey just joan maybe jack is just trying to get in touch with his feminine side? : )

i think the vid suits the track perfectly end of story - what do you expect for this slice of high camp?

i'm not wild about the animation style - in an early version the cow's expressions were drawn in with digital chalk and somehow this was more effective but still there is a lot more crap out there worthy of our vitriol

tocofan, November 28, 2007 at 4:55:32 PM CET
  1. good editing with lots of micky mousing on musical events
  2. good acting -> good directing

BUT I don't like genre videos. I've seen the bull thing a thousand times. I prefer videos creating their own world.

dyna, November 29, 2007 at 4:01:44 AM CET

""""I don't like genre videos. I've seen the bull thing a thousand times. I prefer videos creating their own world.""""

Antville Awards Film School Comment of the Year.

candles, November 29, 2007 at 4:46:09 AM CET

agree with hassinator. and diane martel is a good director despite apparently not having too many fans here.

stellarnight, November 29, 2007 at 6:16:25 PM CET

I think the track is the biggest culprit. Pantomime latino crap. White Stripes trying to be humorous or camp or who knows. I have liked a lot of White Stripe stuff but this is another inane 'look the 'artist' is a really great at___ today! We've seen vain singers pretend to be channel swimmers, ice skaters, racing drivers. Oh it's just a bit of a laugh. But is it? They always want to look great like they are the real thing. Yawn. The video could have been funny perhaps. The bull CGI is appalling. The editing I don't know, perhaps more could have been done. It must have been a desperate edit. It still couldn't work the track is too lame and video idea to cute and cuddly to work in the context of something so rough and visceral as real live action bullfighting. An animation/ comic strip approach could have worked better. Perhaps in an episode of Eurotrash.


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