My Robot Friend - Robot High School (dir. Roel Wouters)
The Electric Ant's on a terminal deadlock.

I thought it was going in a marble madness gets murderous direction. Then we have a Devo type character (great costume) turning the world. Intriguing. Maybe you give the game away too soon and the end really isn't enough. Could have had another rival character perhaps or a pupil he is training. Really wondered how you kept that black ball up. That was the carrot in front of my nose.
Why would you want to apparently reinvent glitter graphics gifs....err sorry the world with a customised manual wind up tombola drum? Unless u were on sum 'Arts Grant Mafia Circuit'? Dull as ditch water!
Yes u gathered I am not a great fan of certain contemporary art concepts, to me they are like the emperors new underpants! All I can see is a load of bolloxs!
word, stellar (sorry, robo).
Only a detail in the stitching prog! The emperor's draws are still more transparent than the negligee worn by Sarah Gambi (actually I have to take her word for it, as I've not seen her modelling such, coz as she says she can't see herself walking down the mall in it!) The wondrous wonder of the magnetic field, I believe, is the miracle that makes the black ball float stellar