Baloji "Hotel Impala - Tout ceci ne vous rendra pas le Congo" Dir: Kurt de Leijer
French hip hop shot in tha Congo
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Loved it! Even with the Jay-Z 99 Problems "hommages"
Love this one. Baloji did most of the production himself, apparently, but the amazing camera work is courtesy of Nicolas Karakatsanis.
Great images throughout. The shakiness feels a but too deliberate. Also, it might cause motion sickness on a big screen. Still, great.
This is really great. It definitely has that same photojournalism feel as 99 problems. The edit is good but it doesn't have quite the same punch as romanek's, especially towards the end. As for the shaky cam thing, there's one shot towards the beginning where they went a little overboard. Didn't they see Jorma?
that was fantastic. I actually like the edit in this vid better than the edit in 99 problems, which i think was a little too erratic.
génial bien entendu mais le morceau s'intitule en fait "Tout ceci ne vous rendra pas le Congo" bcp + jolie ce titre n'est-ce pas