Lightspeed Champion 'Tell Me What it's Worth' - directed by SAAM

um, this is pretty ordinary? Granted the song is pretty ordinary and the budget probably was too, but please, what's happened to SAAM?
Maybe he is going with the ideology of William Burroughs 'quantity rather than quality' which is fair enough.
what the heck is sleeping on that guy's head?
this is like Patrick Daughters' "Big Girl" and David LaChappelle's "Tears Dry On Their Own"... all the videos are characteristically out of sync with the directors' more or less consistent styles and concepts
it's great.
nice details in the signage and truly effective payoff.
Nice one Saam. Very cool.
that was awesome, really well done.
This did nothing for me. 16mm and steady cam and some girls with leggings? The sign thing is just stale. I don't know it seems like one cannot be critical and selective on antville or people just say your a negative creep.
would have been better if the picadilly signs were real... pussies!
the cast of 1234 take to the streets of london
I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I thought the pacing of the song fit well with the video... kind of peaceful in a way.
Here's how it went down:
Saam: "Ok Airspeed Champion, great band, indie, love, street culture, London, I love it, you guys are gonna be huge... I got a great idea for you guys, perfect stuff. We start we the lead singer in the gutter in London with a homeless guy then he stands up and starts walking right, and all these hipster girls in leggings and hip vintage clothing start following him through the laneways... more and more of them, I think we should use some real street kids for this one, really cash in on the cult following thing you guys have got happening...."
I can't even be bothered finishing this..
That was mush. What happened to you Saam? Why are you getting shit? You started off like the Ulysses of music video....
bahahabhabha hahha
oh parmezan, i love how you put things into perspective.
I liked it. nice one-take. not bad the idea with the signs.
Pretty much sums up the current state of UK music video production.
This is good because it takes a well known style in an unremarkable setting and gives you a very watchable video. It could have been tiresome and dull but for reasons Saam it is not. The mark of a good film maker indeed. Not that some of you people here would know what that means however. One day maybe...
I really like this video - great idea. It's rare to see such an effective pay off. Although I'm a fan of his previous work it's nice to see Saam change his shit up.
and then underneath in a tiny sign for 'GAP' altered to read 'GAK'.
What is Saam trying to tell us all!!!????? I MUS KNO!