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The Wombats "Moving to New York" dir. thirtytwo

Anyone know who directed this?

Windows Media

bakedbean, December 18, 2007 at 11:35:58 AM CET

Dunno. Good though innit?

commissionergordan, December 18, 2007 at 12:45:26 PM CET

Director is thirtytwo at Pulse Films.

quizmaster, December 18, 2007 at 12:52:26 PM CET

Got half way through then gave up. Pretty average... like a 16 year olds idea for a video.

shoplifter, December 18, 2007 at 1:13:11 PM CET

Dear quizmaster,

you are a cunt.

kevathens, December 18, 2007 at 1:31:49 PM CET

Thx Gordon.

quizmaster, December 19, 2007 at 2:26:07 AM CET

dear shoplifter, are you made of jelly? no brain, no spine? because obviously its either you like this video therefore you are clueless or you don't like this video and havn't got backbone enough to make your own criticism. Which one is it? Do you have some solid evidence to dispute? No prejudice against jellyfish though. They are wondrous creatures.

bakedbean, December 19, 2007 at 3:57:57 PM CET

Quiz? You are an idiot of gigantic proportions. A fuckin troll. i liked the video with reservations, and if that makes me clueless in your opinion then go cut yourself another anus. Theres some nice technique, some nice styling but didnt work overall. Lacked variety and a cohesive plot. It isnt the best or worst video in the world, and i cant imagine it inspires love or hate in anyone with any fibre of intelligence. You however, seem to be under the impression this site is a black or white, singular minded proving ground for your fuckin ego shrouded by the anonymity of it being an internet posting. Just cos you can be rude or 'get away' with abuse and aggression online doesnt equate you to anything even approaching a strong person. Its the cliche, but in this case i KNOW your some weak ass, pale, overweight, bitter sonofabitch who can only vent their views on air or behind backs. Pussy.

progosk, December 19, 2007 at 4:05:37 PM CET


quizmaster, December 20, 2007 at 12:47:33 AM CET

mr baked bean? I am really bored of the retards on this site who get all upset when a video is bluntly labeled as crap by somebody else. It seems that some commenters think its a reflection on their ideals and own work or they think they are nurturing the industry or sticking up for the little people. This is lame. Are you that insecure about your own tastes or do you think your helping the industry by congratulating every tom, dick and harry for picking up a camera (this isnt kindergarten). Where will this thoughtless back patting lead to?

Also your earlier post said 'good innit?', I said 'no, i couldnt even get through it all' so then you attack me and also write a damning critique on the video...'nice technique, nice styling but lacked variety, cohesive plot and didnt work overall'. This second statement is completely at odds with 'good innit?'. All i can say is atleast my comment provoked you to write your true thoughts on the video.

As with the gay comment earlier all i can say is yes (how did you guess) i do weigh 500kg and am milky white because i can't move myself from my armchair where i sit and watch re-runs of oprah winfrey whilst browsing internet forums and gay porn all day on my laptop.

Aggression? I think there is more aggression from threatened little field mice like yourself. Idiot? That last statement (from all perspectives) just proved your stupidity.

oh and furthernore whats this comment that you posted just the other day about a video.

'bakedbean, Tuesday, 18. December 2007, 11:40 Dyou think anyone enjoys this kind of video? it looks pretty dry to make, and cant have been a great idea in the first place, and came out pretty dull. not trying to snipe, i just wondered? Same goes for the song i guess. I realise its a matter of taste but is there really anything here that'd warrant a record deal, all the time and money that goes into recording the song, plus the time and expense to concieve of and make the video? Inoffensive, but the fact it exists offends me a little. Only a little though.'

I may be a harsh cunt at times. But atleast i am honest. You on the other hand seem to be a two faced jackass. Actually i think you are attacking me because other people have 'tried' to (and failed as you have), hence its ok for you to. As i have said before 'please grow a spine and a brain of your own'.

Love from your master.

quizmaster, December 20, 2007 at 2:09:15 PM CET

dear progosk... we all sit in religious awe on this site awaiting each and everyone of your one worded unbiased/impartial comments but posting pictures of your mother doesn't quite cut it. Yours sincerely Quiz?

loz, December 20, 2007 at 7:05:05 PM CET

personally, i think that's pretty fucking ace... visuals have a really lovely trippy-yet-mundane quality, compositions are cool, story works all over. the ONLY thing i didn't like was the hamster subtitles (a little unnecessry, and po.s lifted off 'Go'?). but yeah, good shit.

on another note.. what's everyone so uptight with quizmaster about? if he/she/it wants to post opinions on things, isn't that the whole point of this site? it's not essential to agree with everything everyone else says is it? where's the christmas spirit at folks?

quizmaster, December 21, 2007 at 12:01:50 AM CET

thanks loz, finally someone with perspective.


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