Best Music Videos of 2007 - various year's end lists

(oh, and: stay tuned for tomorrow, folks...)
'atlas', 'knife', 'D.A.N.C.E' and 'what's a girl to do?' seem to be the most commonly high rated videos. Which seems fair enough although i personally don't get into the D.A.N.C.E video which might as well be a commercial for SO-ME to sell t-shirts to teenage fashion wannabes. I guess it's done its job well though. My personal pick for the year would be the video for Kanye West "Can’t Tell Me Nothing" (Feat. Zach Galifianakis & Will Oldham).
thx, quiz - hey: you almost managed a whole comment without farting on someone. here's to ya!
That Bishop Allen video on Music for Ants' blog is nice. Surprised I hadn't seen it before...
i'll be posting my personal list all through the week (61 videos to be accurate), 10 every day. On friday i'll post my top 20 videos of the year, hope you like it. You can watch it here