Ocaixi "Niku" (dir. Aleix Pitarch)

Another trashy and strange music video directed by Aleix Pitarch, maybe his weirdest to date. Possibly only fully enjoyable by a japanese audience (and not only because it's sung in japanese).

Ocaixi is a clinically depressed and schizoid outsider musician from Barcelona, Spain (Daniel Johnston meets The Residents / Sigue Sigue Sputnik meets Suehiro Maruo).
Get the full Ocaixi album Jove Carn Japonesa here (free download from the hamsterloco netlabel): www.archive.org
for the non-japanese: Niku = meat, flesh. Ocaixi = from 'okashii' (weird, strange) and 'okashi' (candy, snacks).
Bloody Hell!.......That was great, I don’t why no one else has commented on this that was one of the freshest things I have seen in a while. Seriously I want to know more that was extremely rad.
more quality animationjamming. mp4 here.