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Klanguage "The Message" (dir: Manuel Lagos Cid) (2004)

framescourer, January 17, 2008 at 11:06:39 PM CET

I rather liked the swinging bulb effect. Economy can be so appealing, especially when the effect is unusual, so I quite liked the editing that goes with it. However, it's a shame that that is the beginning and end for this video's inspiration and the 'song' it's promoting.

vidbot, January 18, 2008 at 10:54:06 AM CET

Hmmm… conflicting thoughts. As a video I have very few problems with this as Framscourer says the swinging bulb in collaboration with the edititing is a quite cool unique and economical way to get a full clip out of really very little. Really its fine and it works so I shouldn’t have a problem….but do.

I’m sorry but when you have a band with an Ooh la la super hot Frenchy electro vixen in it I expect as a male to be provided with more close ups and if you have the time a few more wides to fit her pins in. I mean… WOW! The music’s ok and im sure they will go places but by Zeus if that isn’t a strong selling point for the band. I know this might sound a little shallow and I’m sure the ladies think the smouldering fellas are alright as well but by god!...that is woman right there im ready to crawl on broken glass and lick dogshit off a croissant.

progosk, January 18, 2008 at 12:28:41 PM CET

dir. manuel lagos cid. slightly better dailymo.

eeeel, January 18, 2008 at 3:58:11 PM CET

progosk: thanks for the info. off topic; kruger magazine has a couple of mp3s by klanguage on their singles club.

i recommend 'priceless things'.

loz, January 18, 2008 at 5:56:17 PM CET

wow, that's really frikkin' nice: i wouldn't have thought such a simple idea could hold a whole video, but really nicely cutting, lovely framing & film texture.

and while i sympathise with vidbot's desire to see more of the va-va-voom-techno-femme-fatale, i think it's precisely the lack of full on gratuitous body shots that makes her so damn sexy, non?

dix points.


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