Band: Exit Clov / Song: MK Ultra / Director: Joe Brener / Prodco: Windom Zoo! Productions - Terrance Green, Executive Producer

Not so keen on the very end. The rest is super, very funny, full of energy. Particularly like the static/interference wipes.
Hey framescourer, What do you dislike at the end (the high five, the electricity, the girls getting shot, all three)? I'm always looking for feedback so any comments are very appreciated. Thanks!
For one brief moment there I thought the Wombles had given up destroying GM Crops and had ventured into kidnapping, torturing n' killing genetically modified girls!
Well put together n' fun I enjoyed it I'm sure some things could have been done better but I'm at a loss to point them out Good n entertaining
Not that anyone has really the time to plough tru n' investigate Pt 5's 1.5 hrs of dandelionsalad's historic video footage pertaining to the MK Ultra subject, but it must be worth the footnote
A quicker bet might be Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine review
Joe - the end (coda? epilogue?) seems to introduce new ideas rather than tie the old ones up. Perhaps I didn't get it. Please see latter parts of my original comment in preference to the former!
That makes sense. Maybe it could have used a more tidy ending.
But I'm glad that you liked it. Thanks for the feedback!
yeh, that was fun. (twas the ugly screencap that had kept me from watching this...)