progosk, January 24, 2008 at 6:32:34 PM CET
Turin Brakes "Dark On Fire", Dir. Shelly Love

bang bang... flv here. (via promo)
framescourer, January 24, 2008 at 11:36:07 PM CET
Nice looking, but I spent the whole thing waiting for the payoff twist. In fact the earnestness of the slo-mo isn't to prime a metaphor but a more straightforward tie in with the weight of memory. Oh yes.
robodrug, January 25, 2008 at 7:44:22 PM CET
Like frame I woz waitin fer summit more t'happen than wot did! Still nice photography Thought the close up frames were deep.
Can't say I care much for the Turin Brakes music, still it kinda grew on me by the end of the clip! The brightness/contrast tho' on the video cud'da done wiv bin rammed up a touch!