The National - Fake Empire - Dir: Scott Cudmore

a new, beautiful take on this topos. great fit to a sublime song.
Nice one!
Ah zen. Good Special 10 Tv fodder. ;)
"The sun'll come up tomorrow/Bet you bottom dollar that tomorrow/There'll be sun"
So fucking brilliant.
yeh this is pretty bloody amazing. so great when a vid captures a song so perfectly.
i don't dislike it, but can someone explain it to me? Is it just staged images to the song?
not brilliant. nicely shot though. I love The National as much as anyone, and this is my favorite off The Boxer, but I'm tired of seeing 'people' lip-sync sadly to a song. Just because the song is great doesn't mean the video is.
Banal, is that the word? Not close to what I take away from hearing the song by itself...These images have a slightly 'middle class' angst. A sad clown? An old man. A 'pretty' couple...Fake Empire is a great piece of music, it seems simple at the same time that it seems complex. Can a video capture that w/o looking like Woody Allen's Interiors ?
cap'n - really? maybe i'm all wrong, then, in my take...?
cap'n, i'm not sure what you mean by "staged images to the song". the photography credit goes to lee towndrow. it was shot on the last remaining rolls of super 8 kodachrome that we could come across around here.
Wake me up when it's over.
ive watched this again to make sure im not going crazy...nope im not. Banal?! it's a good video. simple, effective and beautifully shot.
fails to convey any emotion except pity.
I winced a little when the clown showed up and when the lip-syncing kicked off. But in spite of all that there is real beauty here, in the video and in the song.
beautifully shot. that's about all i can say.
people are tired of clever/concept led videos. This video feels very modern to me.