Son Lux "Break", Dir. Finbar Mallon

much prefer this, fin. (&luv the bacon!)
I'm just ignorant but this doesn't seem to have anything to do with music appreciation.
I'm truly sorry progosk that I post crap. I'm effectively disappointed enough that I have better things to do, I don't even have time for YouTube much. I'm in college, work 5 to 6 10 hour days. I take it you're an administrator and remove my posts. Okay, fine. I don't understand, am extremely ignorant, an American with lack of taste and must apparently suck. Fine, I accept my fate. I'll just restrain myself, if I visit this site anymore, and just comment on videos. No more posts. Thank you for allowing the bs I've already posted, for your opinion of me and YouTube (not that I have great fondness for them, either) and for putting up with my lame crap. I can always use new friends but I seem to be unworthy here. I accept that, too. This is a music appreciation website, I obviously lack that, I will not post anymore crap. If I ever happen to think that I find something worthy to post, I'm going to run it by you first.
This video's crazy. I wish there was more of the caged-bird business of the opening. For all that I sure there was some (unconscious?!) method in the madness, I still couldn't get over the whole Kabbalah connotation. But it's got something...
A frantic spider building a web I thought but cadged bird id do jus' as well... Mind u I dain't like the music up loud! Bit jarring! Tho' with the introduction of the vocals it seemed to, if not mellow then fade somewot!
Unusual. Really enjoyed!
thanks for putting this up progosk. son lux is releasing his album soon if anyones interested: plus more of my stuff here:
it doesnt have anything to do with kabbalah. I didnt notice that. its also a hindu thing i think. Everyone loves string.
was the bacon ref intentional or incidental?
which bit refers to bacon? please tell me
all the body-in-a-box-with-lines&skin&face parts. surprised to hear that wasn't planned...
are you talking about francis bacon or eggs and bacon? or richard bacon? im a great fan of the latters work but i felt the influence was subliminal. also, if i was to choose a pork-related product to associate my work with it would surely be ham, mightiest of the meats.
sir francis, man. (or'm i hallucinating?)
Finbar, where's the hi res mov?
Oi Biffa Bacon is one u missed!
strung-up bodies
progosk: this francis was never knighted.
it was this one;
"knowledge is power" as he said.
i knighted'im!
Well I'll say this fi good auld Francis He dain't seem t'have much time or truck wiv Lizzie Windsor's baubles
wow, those paintings are beautiful. but no, mr bacon stole his idea's off me, the time travelling, a hi-res version will be up on soon. d'ye reckon submit it to the film network? or did you just pick that name out of a bag of letters?
CBE? any Tom, Dick or Harry can get one of them! But i reckon he'd have been pleased with his antville honour.
Liking this allot. thanks for posting.
noice one finbar