Missy Elliot "Ching-A-Ling/Shake Your Pom Pom" : Dir. Dave Meyers

Missy in 3D. www.boardsmag.com
We're gonna see a few of these 3D videos in 08. Keep a lookout for Bjork in 3D from the Encyclopedia Pictura fam.
Without the glasses though, the device is unwatchable....
Yeah - an Arcade Fire-style gimmick that borders on counterproductive. btw is this one single? Or is it an A&B side cut-n-shut? It's certainly two different videos.
do not want. (watched this with my standard-issue 3d-spex, and it looked like shit/didn't work at all.) can we have a call to ban stale fx, plz?
hmmm, how boring, actually looks like it could be quite good, but now i've got to go and steal some 3d glasses...
and 'world's first 3D video' my ass.
Without the glasses, the 3D version is much less effective. Over on the MTV site they have BOTH the 3D and regular versions in a decent looking format.
MTV credits The Brothers Strausse as the directors.
'first 3d music video' my bum bum, what about Edgar Wright's - 80's Matchbox Disaster video for Psychosis Safari from a few years ago.
mr. v -
MTV must have made a mistake (shocking). Dave Meyers directed the Missy clip in both dimensional presentations.
just watched with 3D glasses... it's unwatchable WITH them.