R.E.M.: "Supernatural Superserious" (Dir: Vincent Moon)

Stipe launched a website for beeing I N T E R A C T I V E ! ! ! ...
Glitchy and difficult to navigate. Should ask Arcade Fire how it's really done.
erm... it's when you hype stuff (msm...), that they easily disappoint.
fam: there's not a whole lot to navigate. sure, you do need to get all of the tiles going (and perhaps some browsers on some pc's might not have the chops) but beyond that, there's no navigation to be done other than.. sitting back and basking. (ok you might try switching audio from time to time.)
personally, this reminded me of mike figgis' radical experiment timecode; and it does for the band/song something similar to r coppola's arctic monkeys video. (so: super-natural, in an entirely different sense.)
another effect it had: it got me watching the song on repeat, over and over, just picking up little synchronicities in the mosaic. not something a video manages to achieve very often. (oh and: the download&remix thing was the label's idea.)
i've removed my post in order to keep things clean up front. here're the stuff i had up.

I understand the concept behind it, and how it's supposed to work. But really, who wants to spend time mucking around with this kind of thing, when we've already seen that a more simplistic, user-friendly approach can elicit a positive response?
Then again, I've never been one for "new media presentations" and "audio video soundscapes" and everything and anything that may be presented as such (whether on the web or in a gallery environment). I'm more interested in the art and the experience of appreciating that art than trying to understand how to make it work when the payoff is so ... you know. R.E.M.
it's pretty obvious, that pop will eat upcoming interactive tools and I really think that this piece is NOT interactive at all, but a silly game for silly rem-lovers
official edit mov/HD zip/Vimeo
the future is here? (mainstream media catches on..)
it is just not widely distributed yet
some things should stay the way they are: mv oughtn't to be treated like ordinary user-generated content
videos spread on the fucking youtube like plague, we watch films on fucking i-phones, it's the end of the world as we know it.