Services - Presenter (Dir. Barney Clay)

dirt is good, or wut
nope. and neither is this vid.
this link seems to be bad.
Something seems to have got lost along the way (which happened the last time a video used bits of reversed footage)
mr. self: copy it, and paste it into a new browser window.
wow, marge - takes quite some nerve to spew on something as tightly tuned as this and then post your own rather random hodgepodge...
what has my home made clip has to do with it?
this video looks sleek and with a good budget....etc.. yet is boring, is criticism,not everyone is going to love what you do, just learn to live with it... I like the mud scene, but knowing Services and their live shows I was disappointed with the video.....
marge, why'd you delete your previous comment? thread'z now near-incomprehensible...
fwiw: i gather this video is not what you expected for this band - which is legitimate problem, i guess.
i had no expectations, since i've never seen nor heard of them. from this perspective: there's a nicely distilled concept, very precisely played out in its styling - including the use of lettering - and structure; it's edited to a capital gold-plated T; the whole thing is as driven as the rocking track. yes perhaps it doesn't resemble their live act - but taken for what it is, it's a supersolid, highly kinetic, fun video.
my snipe at your video was in response to the tone of your off-handed dismissal of this. now that you've gone and deleted it...
I deleted because maybe I was too passionate about it I should post duller messages soulless like a computer robot
this clip is old, hmmm well they are even better than this photodigital video clip
For your information Dama Margx, the budget on this was the vast sum of $800, enough for 2 white suits, and the rental of 1 compressor for the wet down. I do think Services are a killer live act though, but that energy is always a challenge to capture so we (myself and the band) thought something conceptual was a better route. Thanks for your comments though.
well the 800 buckets shine