Jonathan Wilson "Natural Rhapsody" - Dir. Michael Graham

Plain old beautiful video.
Shot in HD. Delivered as a flash video.
You have to dig a bit into the site because it's flash, so I can't link you directly to the video. Just click on the the flying dots, then look under the Music Videos heading and you'll find Jonathan Wilson "Natural Rhapsody".
erm, you can link directly to the video (however unintendedly/inefficiently, for your purposes and for ours). why's it folks still don't realize the net worth of (real) linkability...?
I know its Sunset! Location! Location 'n all that, but the contrast settings need readjusting, they're way too dark n' maybe the clip needed a bit more input for its plot? Music, no real complaints! Kind'a Psychedelic rock, Fool on the hill, Pretty Things type dope, also a bit of Syd Barrett in there as well?
I Love this. Not too dark for me. Edited well, colored well.
hear, hear - stylez/editz/shotz: beaut! (those wiesen are right königlich...) oh, and: is't me or is there a distinct jodo vibe to this too?
Wow!!! This video is absolutely amazing!!!! Beautiful all around!!! I love the crazy part with the make up. Great job!
When you mean beautiful, you mean beautiful! Where was this shot?? I like the looseness of the story. The chick goes crazy in the dream world and when they wake up she can't be found again. Kinda like lost in the dream world??
I love the song. I get lost in the music and visuals sitting in my little cubicle. Haha.
Man! That first picture is so cool looking. This video is sick.
I just googled the director and it took me to a website he has for his art.
His artwork is pretty crazy. Totally has the same vibe as this video.
Great ending shot. It looks like a movie
Well u could be right lads, re-watching it this evening under artificial light the contrast don't seem to be half the problem I assumed it to be this morn? Might be down to the fact watching it under natural daylight made it hard for my eyes to accustom themselves to shadow detail
Not so sure about the Bo n' the Jo prog! But what the hell?? since I woz overcritical on the contrast! Chuh! I've even mellowed on my opinion 'bout the plot!
Woah! I was really surprised when I watched this. I am extremely impressed. The video is an epic and it kept my attention for the entire time. This really shows how you can make a video that is intellectual and artsy without having to use the now generic stop-motion animation. Very high quality. I hope this guy does something else soon.
Forgot something! My favorite shot is the one of the girl under the tree. It looks like a magical fairyland.
Hey AMG thanks for the link to his website. His art is really unique. I love the one with the silver medusa. And it says in the news section he booked 5 new videos. I emailed the guy. HA!
No one mentioned the super wide shot where the people walk into frame at the bottom right. That shot is MINDBLOWING! I think the plot is supposed to be more out there to make you think. I don't always need everything told to me. I think it is really cool that I wanted to re-watch the video to see if I can see anything else. I've watched it over five times now and I keep seeing different things. WATCH THE VIDEO MORE THAN ONCE!!! IT DESERVES MORE THAN ONCE VIEWING!
what the fuck is going on?
hahahahahh someone is signing up for multiple user names with the same name email address. hilarious.
this summer, tduncan IS creeper6
I mean, feel free to slip in one fake review, but 9? c'mon.
lol re: video i dont want to play the devils advocate, yet i think i'm missing the 'wow' factor here. what's so amazing about this video? apart from some crafty editing, accourse. halfway thru the video and i've already lost my interest. besides, what good does the unbearable sharpness of HD to such a pastoral (and soporific, for that matter) setting?
I think the thing about this video is that it is poetic. Of course, it is not for everyone. If you like older, more classic films this is probably for you. I think that is what they were going for. Not something flashy something that builds slowly.
trust matei to come a-hatin'...
erm, creeper, gross.m, tdunc, hgv and all the other fresh-faced pseudonyms: your ersatz gushing is doing this video a real disservice. would you mind keeping the waxing down, so other can offer some actual opinions?
a-hatin? maybe a-huntin, given them beautiful pastures.
i have no idea what all the fuss is about i feel like ive seen it all before? so boring and oh so pretentious. sorry.
Very pretty but boring as all hell.
most of the world now only has an attention span of 1 second. that is why people might not like the video. i think the visuals fits the music perfectly and i really like the crazy middle part and i like the editing...
wow. what terrible plants, my fav is "WATCH THE VIDEO MORE THAN ONCE!!! IT DESERVES MORE THAN ONCE VIEWING!" no matter how many nice things you try to convince us other ppl are saying, it's still a boring vid.
i like how slow it is. it is different from those extremely fast cut mtv videos. the song is slow so the video is slow. it reminds me of fellini (sp?)
I came across this on a quick skim of older posts. The front picture intrigued me very much. This video is really nice. Very different from other stuff out there right now. Lyrical and poetic. Nice job.
Love it looks like Fellini
This is amazing! And anyone who has shot anything knows this is excellent work. It seems like a few of the people who negatively commented above are jealous! ; P
powerful & definitely not boring. one of my march favs.