Huoratron - $$Troopers (Dir. Las Palmas)

You saved me the trouble of posting this one. It does a good job of getting his energy across. He puts on a good show live, with odd video loops in the background. The somewhat VJ style editing is wholly appropriate
Not sure if they like to be billed separate or not, but the myspace bulletin I saw said directed Mr. [Lauri] Warsta of Las Palmas.
hint of aphex twin and a touch of autechre
i cant see the video. is there a problem with the mov?
it's a (certainly non-optimal) sorenson3 at 5700kbit/s, but other than that, it should play ok...
is there a problem with the mov?
Download the DVD version (or wait while I post a reasonably sized MP4.)
Very very nice and most certainly one of the more interesting videos I have seen for quiet some time. For a second I was worried it was going to be Modular esque poser rubbish but that was swept away very quickly.
The editing is pin sharp everything fits together beautifully and all the elements complement each other very well. This video is much more self assured than others that have explored this territory, Its political without being earnest and self important yet also pretty without being surface and shallow.
Very refreshing to watch something like this at a time when I was getting worried about this medium starting to loose any potency of voice it once had.
wut wut wut how could i've missed it ?! (i was misled by the video still) fucking great!
Good video. Very Chris Cunningham. MVA said it perfectly. Come to Daddy meets Autechre
Yes, I enjoyed this too.
It's grrrrreat.
it just got some award at oulu music video festival in finland
this one got something also (i still dont know what, cuz i cant quite get finglish)
but such an excellent tune anyhow