Sigur Ros - Untitled #1 (Floria Sigismondi)

From 2003. Like (almost) every Sigur Ros video : very beautiful, very slow.
MOV (70 Mo)
quite a long way from
Considering Sigur ros are possibly one of the hardest acts to make a clip for this is a very respectable effort and certainly a nice departure from shiny Kodak kids banging drums and jumping off cliffs. However just as I was getting into it and thinking it would be a lovely paen to childhood and innocence it’s suddenly lost the plot. Sorry but the second half sucks and is way out of sync, its like they wanted to make some kind of serious statement but it just looked like a come to Daddy rip-off with touches of Terminator 2 all under colored lighting. Full marks for effort however the first half is gorgeous.