Food for Animals - Tween my Lips (Dir. Martin Sulzer)
Fantastic one from Food for Animals, produced by Landjugend
Stream via MuVi
hefty indeed. (and: it's an answer to lisanowak's recent rantlet :-)
I enjoyed the first 30 seconds more than the rest. Brilliant job on the 3D and such.
pretty much the best of the MuVi bunch, too - some serious cerebral overkill in that selection. some nice saving graces to "real snow", and kutti mc was a minor discovery for me.
Nice 3D work. Also enjoyed the Everyone Everywhere piece on Landjugend's site.
(and yes, i'm curious to see if penis garners the same attention as boobs)
I do not appreciate the exploitation and sexism on display here. If that guy didn't have a penis nobody would be watching this.
I'm surprised no one mentioned this...
Or this:
my asshole is sore from this gang bang.
but, you have to admit, there haven't been as many glowing comments
Or this:
Or this:
not entirely feeling it, perhaps it's not representative enough of my manly manliness...
and yes, micronauts comments glowingly stupidly ridiculous. this video puts that to shame, and it's not even all that (no harshness intended).