Hot Chip /// One Pure Thought /// Dir. Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle

A bit slow/boring, but fun and really nice aesthetics. Would look great as illustrations in a magazine. Good job, whoever made this!
yes please. more. like that a lot.
think the style works perfectly; kind of aboriginal/pointelist art meshes to afro-arty dance music. with leg-guitar solos. wicked.
...although shame it's almost unbearable to watch on myspace, where the sync is completely out (presumably?). why do that? eh? bugs hell out of me.
take it back about myspce... my dodgy computer.
ditto both aboves (leg-guitar!), but: what is it exactly this stuff ref's? acid squares? i know i've seen these esthetics somewhere... coulda been killer with a tiny bit of tightening of the edits/animations, but lovely as is. v strange how there's no credit in the end panel...
brilliant, made me laugh, looks great.
this is a little bit of magic, i found it faintly nostalgic and moving. what IS it referencing? driving me ga-ga.
Really fun, LOVELY art design. Could be a tiny bit tighter and hampered somewhat by the song not being quite as much of a CHOON! as "Ready For The Floor"
lovely to watch.
reminds me of color blindness tests, but then again that's not quite right. It looks like it's hand done with a rapidograph pen.
it reminds me a bit of the paintings in the Film "Hana-bi" by Takeshi Kitano.

one of my favourite movie.
i think its some illustrator friends of the band who did this - they may have done their recent cd sleeve.
Yeah I forgot about Hana-bi, awesome artwork in that movie.
Is that the default thing now, post- that ridiculous thread? to try and spot refs?
This is a really good, fun video. Very hot chip... if you know what I mean. And I actually prefer this tune to Ready For The Floor. More soul in it.
great video! very well done! respect!
I believe the directors are Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle @ Trunk.
Great, really cementing this geek-cool thing.
reminded me a lot about run wrake
I liked it allot! great song too. as if it matters but there are moments in there that remind me allot of how people danced, (this looped movement) in the old spider man cartoons, remember the gogo dancers.
Here's a full size link to the Hot Chip 'One Pure Thought' promo
Lovely fresh aesthetic but just far to slow! I’m sorry but in this day and age 18-second shots with simple loops and treated footage just don’t cut it, I pay the illustration but the filmmaking is below par. Its a shame because there is some nice stuff towards the end but it just sits there rotating endlessly asking for camera moves.