Lykke Li - I'm Good, I'm Gone (dir. Mattias Montero)
Brand new vid for the ever delightful Lykke Li. Read more about her here.
(via SRO and GvB)
ah - epically delicious. (funny how many other mv's this made me think of, while feeling totally fresh&on the money. i won't be doing the default thing, this time 'round.)
dir - mattias montero and i dunno about references and rip offs and all that jazz and fracas
but look what ive found
i forgot to say that i really like this video

my hero
Yes this video is extra nice. One of my recent favs.
Nice. It's a shame her album is a bit... anti-climactic.
thaaaaaaanks for posting it!! Lykke Li is the girl who always makes me smile, no matter how wasted i am. thanks again!
GSD: what do you mean by anti-climatic?
why a re-shoot? superb clip, but isn't that in a way a waste of money, 'cause there is already a (pretty powerfull) Clip around (even if it's an accoustic version)?
hey msm - she signed to atlantic and they probably felt that a new video would give things a new lease of life
mattias was the dop for dougal on bat for lashes
fucking brilliant video by the way
ok, reminds me of Robyn: she was hip in Sweden first, too. But after reaching international feedback, she re-shot several earlier released promos. thats unreal, and, in Lykkes case, I do not want that she is getting unreal, just after completing her first promo for atlantic/warner! Thats not a good start.
i don't dislike this, but it feels a bit forced. "Let's try and be as weird as possible." I dunno, feels dated.
Pretty good vid..Has that de Thurah, Scandinavian vibe going for it.
I enjoy Lykke Li but this vid feels like a Carpark North rip that doesn't come close to matching the thematic cohesion of De Thurah's stunning piece.
IMHO - this video is a poor man's 'Human'
= Good promo
LMAO at that Dunlop ad. Would pay anything to see the look on the tire execs faces when Tony Kaye screened that.
is there any truth to walter campbell's claim that dunlop was shot in b&w and than re-coloured? wouldn't surprise me...
this supports that claim.