Flairs “Better than Prince” (Dirs. Jonas & Francois)

12 images per sec. psychedelical cartoon (not a) MOV
Very nice job on the aesthetic design, rotoscoping and animation.
The song is trite.
nicely done. looks heavily inspired by the work of Mrzyk & Moriceau, as was their vid for D.A.N.C.E
aaah man. so good. i love it.
not a mov. (flv, dek...?)
Dunno. There's some protocol between the player and the server involving PHP sessions that should be studied with a packet analyzer and reproduced.
Take it from here.
I dont know i find these directors work quite boring. It seems they claimed a lot of hype from the Justice D.A.N.C.E video which only seemed interesting due to SO-ME's work on it. They seemed to grab a string of large budget videos off the back of that one video and none of them have shown a great deal of originality or talent since.
@ kansas -> I bet more than 20 comments like yours on this one. I second the comment on Mrzyk & Moriceau though. ps: i still love you sophieb.
I prefer this one: videos.antville.org
Don't know if they are the same directors.
Tooth-paste-leg. Right on. ;) -j
wow, i dunno, i think i actually enjoyed that more than D.A.N.C.E. ... more SOUL. some choice moments in there, where it starts to feel a bit akira. tooth past leg and eyeball head. could easily have done without the real footage moments though... why show behind the curtain, esp if it looks so much worse than just the straight animation?
but yes. me like muchos.
Confirmed: Flairs CAN dance better than Prince.
this is great, there's something so trippy about it, really suits the music. the live action element kind of broke me out of the spell though.
both funny and smart dig this