Crystal Castles - Courtship Dating - Dir: Marc Pannozzo
via Crystal Castles on Myspace
between that and nothing... I feel sorry for the band, the song deserved so much more.
Director is an animator. Does a lot of work with helio in toronto.
Well the five shots that they're using are pretty beautifully lit, but yeah there's a fine line between minimal and underwhelming.
i think a minute shorter and it's a cool minimalist video...but i'm sure the band cares none.
i waited... and waited... and nothing happened. VERY disappointing... such a good video track and thats what they do with it? lame.
I'm with vs after reading an interview with them in Anthem. I'd link to it, but it's only in the print edition. Anyway, they pretty much insult the person who interviews them and seem apathetic when it comes to their perception.
If you haven't seen them live, do it and as soon as possible.
And, this is just a guess, but I think Alice Glass eats babies for breakfast.
ooooh pretty lights. sarcasm detector explodes
yeah lisa, these guys are funny. i direct a webtv show for xlr8r magazine and approached them about doing a piece. they said they would only do it if it didn't show their face and we would film their hands as they played rock paper scissors. i actually thought it refreshing to see people not dying for limelight.
it's not so much what they do, but how they do it that pisses me off. they are too cool for school/rude/mardy types. If you don't want to do a photo-shoot, just say politely. Don't do it and then cover your face up and act all twattish to rile the photographer.
You can bet that whatever you don't like about this video was because of their great ideas/meddling hands.
hey topperharly - not showing their faces has helped build mystique and this is a fucking great new band
anyway the masks are off from here on in and a little bit of money to spend on the next video
fwiw, i actually enjoy this video. I just think, and reckon no one will disagree, that it just sort of ran out of steam after the 2 min mark
mehr licht bitte this ''''''''video'''''' is plain crap