Weezer- 'Pork and Beans' (Dir. Matthew Cullen)

Apologies for just a youtube link, but I think it's appropriate in this case...!
good fun, I liked the finale
weezer are getting a bit boring. (their new red album is again self-titled, thank god there are some more colors for some more albums...) the song sounds like the video looks: if it wasn't weezer, it wouldn't be recognized, it would disappear among all the youtube 'best-of-collections'. the video is fun, but it's not more fun than watching the original videos. but i think this is or must be the message of this video, music videos somehow mixing with amateur vids and disappearing in the widths of youtube and similar sites. btw i think rivers mustache should get his own video!
what, no treadmills? seriously, tho: instant obsolescence, fascinating...
Is it directed by Gondry? Sounds stupid I know but it's just that they posted this to go with the video...
Directed by Matthew Cullen.
I wonder if he saw that South Park episode that aired a few months ago that featured all the same people.
that being said... for what it is - it's really well done and entertaining. But hopefully this is the last of its kind, ever.
here's the same idea, just not as fun: youtube.com
^that's what i was going to say...
ps. have a good weekend everyone. eat your veggies and brush your teeth. see you again tuesday.
Not my kind of music at all, and as far as the video is concerned, I really got annoyed by it. It's like it's forcing itself to be popular. It also dilutes the charm of the original videos in my opinion.
1.6m hits in a day. Mega YouTube hit. YouTube = public access, no?, and MTV was verrry public access early on. So when does online video become the standard? Are we there yet?
I think this is pretty much it Kev. The video got more views than if it had debuted on TRL. And as far as videos go, this one is pretty darn great. It takes the idea as far as it'll go, commits 100%, and transcends the references that it uses. It's a clip that wouldn't have worked as well for any other band/song, and some moments are almost moving (that Rivers/Crocker hug is downright cathartic!). Weezer just became the official soundtrack to the lives of a whole new generation of nerds and weirdos. Bravo.
well this video is pretty comprehensive.
I dont think theres much more territory left to explore these youtube ideas.
...thank goodness.
Brilliant. Stark loves this.
director interview.
Some of the same YouTube celebs also appeared in an AOL campaign last year. These people are obnoxious and tiresome, no matter what the context.
great idea, but maybe a bit too contemporary.....
Making Of "Pork & Beans" -- www.collegehumor.com
Grammy Award for Best Short Form Music Video