Late of The Pier - Focker (Dir.:Daniel Brereton)

youtube: Interview:
director: Daniel Brereton Nice idea.
yep i like it. it reminds me of that Shit Disco clip to for some reason, which I loved.
fun! (kev? hmm...) more brereton. oh, and, luk: shame about the screencap spoiler...
simple and cheap... these adjectives has lost their bad meaning
yes, because in todays climate most of the time you have no choice but to make simple and cheap videos. when it's done well it's worth a pat on the back. as discussed on various other pages of this site.
hey, p: Am I right, wrong? I'm usually the one in the room who doesn't 'get it' (this sounds like me), so let me know..
k: got me wondering. sometimes back to basics works, i guess.
In soviet Russia... No, too easy. :)
Love the video though.
The band were so dull and geeky that I was absolutely delighted wen the tape recorder totem pole thingie, beat the utter crap out of 'em. Made my day I gotta say!