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Ladyhawke - Paris Is Burning (Dir. Casper Balslev)

Paris is Burning..., c´est vrai, Romain?


To be released on Modular Records in June, and will be available on CD, 7" and download. Followed by the debut album in late Summer. Video produced by Love.

Watch: Youtube / MOV

sharpiesharpesharpe, June 5, 2008 at 4:19:56 PM CEST

thats bloody dope!

nice depature from the hi-speed stuff.

The two stills guys, Balslev and Saccenti are going off yo.

great energy like the garbage queer video.

stunning visuals.

loz, June 5, 2008 at 5:44:15 PM CEST

hmmm. i dunno. i like the vibe, but don't really think her performance can hold it together - basically, she looks nervous. and the camerawork is either deliberately bad or just plain bad... gave me motion sickness.... and not in a good way

but maybe i'm being harsh.

scooper, June 5, 2008 at 7:21:36 PM CEST

bit of a non event...really love the track though

kee, June 5, 2008 at 7:27:15 PM CEST

Ditto. I'm not sold on the performance, but the song kind of saves the whole thing.

progosk, June 5, 2008 at 9:16:14 PM CEST

naysayers? pshaw! superstrong on all counts, this.

lusk81, June 5, 2008 at 9:24:01 PM CEST

prog: I'm with the naysayers on this one.

uvzeno, June 5, 2008 at 10:39:48 PM CEST

Nice track. Great work on makeup and wardrobe (not sure about Snoopy) . . . Close-ups falling out of focus are technically annoying and aren't shot intentionally enough to feel auteurist. More slow motion would have been nice. Overall, more cutaways at the head of the clip would have been easy, and added more production value to the clip (like the dog at 0:18 . . . overall would have been nice to include the dog more). I guess that's the problem when you let your location and performer do most of the work. Overall, it's drawn out very similar to Sophie Muller's video for PJ Harvey's Good Fortune but lacks the performance and name factor. For such a simple concept, the choreography details should have been better scripted over the course of the track.


piore, June 6, 2008 at 9:43:16 AM CEST

the singer looks awful, terrible lighting that didnt make her gaunt face look any nicer. her hair looked like a wig. and yes, camera work made me queasy, i'm usually quiet about this stuff but dont see why anyone is paying this much attention.

vidi-o, June 6, 2008 at 2:41:56 PM CEST

such a disappointing video for such a great track. there is nothing i like about it except for the final shot when it ends. shame.

robodrug, June 6, 2008 at 4:05:01 PM CEST

I had dismissed this yesterday having watched it halfway but I persevered today It's OK but unlikely to be on my faves of the month!

Thought the title n' screen cap woz a bit of a swizz, as I woz expecting the likes of a location such as Aulnay-sous-Bois and a Guy Fawkes like effigy of Sarkozy on a burning barricade! I remain cruelly disappointed!

cherrylipstik, June 7, 2008 at 10:00:03 AM CEST

If you're gonna walk the streets then you better do it right

kansas, June 8, 2008 at 1:42:16 PM CEST

As i said on the jaron albertin video - cool kids doing nothing much interesting. This is a lot worse then Jarons video though. I wonder what the pitch on this was? The director must have a mighty talent for making boring, lame ideas sound spectacular. Either that or he just says I am going to shoot on film in slow mo and everyone is going to look super cool and hot. Then the record company just says 'great as long as everyone is cool and hot and theres some slow mo we're happy. Here's your cash!' P.S Maybe this could be a TVC for a teenage jeans label?

parmezan, June 8, 2008 at 2:10:00 PM CEST

I'm sorry but what on earth was that? What year is it? 1996?

Terrible. I agree with the other criticism above, if you're going to walk down a street looking cool for a video, you better make it look amazing. You can't just cake some makeup on the girl, shine a bright light in her face and throw some confetti on her and a few groupies and call it a hit.

kevathens, June 11, 2016 at 6:47:36 PM CEST

The songs of this era make me tear up a little. We Are Your Friends, Paris is Burning.. I'm a Hustler Baby. Glad to have made it out of this with my hide/pride.

robodrug, June 13, 2016 at 2:43:17 PM CEST

Nothing to do with this actual video other than reflecting on its title. French organised labour in once again show the British how to conduct real negotiations regarding unjust labour laws and government imposed austerity!


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