Muscles - The Lake (Dir. Jaron Albertin)
New video for Australian artist MUSCLES, directed by Albertin, produced by Smuggler.
classic albertin. beautiful.
Repost? At first i didn't get it. Then i understood i expected too much from it.
yeahhhhh. i saw this a few days ago and didn't know how i felt about it.
Haunting. Mysterious. But, I wish the plot was less so.
I'm not quite sure why the pool changes into an ocean and then into a pool again. Is it old man Neptune's pool? Why does he keep fish in his pool and occasionally snack on them?
nice looking, wank plot.
powerful strange, wicked.
Pure Antville. Just shoot any kind of unconnected narrative nonsense so some nonsensical "deep alternative" meaning can be attributed to it. Build it and they will get geeked out. Silly pretentiousness.
YouTube version is HERE
Very nice indeed!
To Paul.E : I don't see anybody being pretentious or digging for a deeper meaning here. Those are solely your statements.
Personally, the visual poetry of it appeals to me very much!
Sure, it might have been even better without the fish in the mouth though. Keeping only the filmmakers p.o.v. abstract and surreal instead of the story itself. the guy jumping into the pool instead of running around it was a bit silly...
looks beautiful... applause to the dop. The story, the fact that some cool, hip, hot young kids break into a suburban pool is maybe not so interesting. This reminds me of modulars last video for the presets song 'this boys in love' where there were also some model type kids doing stuff in slow mo. I am wondering if thats what music video making has come to in australia. Models doing boring stuff in slow mo?
Beautiful looking video, but somewhat silly only because of the age of the swimmers, in my opinion. If a younger group of kids had been used, this video could have a similar feel to Carpark north's "Human" video. I agree with everyone here though, aside from the plot this video looks fantastic and has a very affecting atmosphere.
Not a fan of this one. The diving was OK though, and that's about it.
Can't help but alert the Ville's Similar Storyboard Police's attention to this link 'ere, as I believe a serious crime may have been committed against one Mr Dave Meyers and his Australian clients!
Albertin will probably need a wee bit of framing to make the charges stick so may I offer this further link as circumstantial evidence!
There remains the problem of the totally unrelated fish eating pool owner sequence! But I'd infer that Albertin offered the actor the chance to play the part of The Penguin in the next Batman movie. The gentleman being elderly may well be clearly prone to memory lapses. Therefore probably doesn't realize the part of such a character has been explored already!