Death Cab for Cutie - "Cath" (dir. Autumn de Wilde)

Autumn de Wilde
lovely rhythm of storytelling to this.
I kept waiting for him to scream "Elaaaaaaaaaaine!". Either that or put on a Slim Whitman record. Either way this is super pretty, magical, de Wildeian photographic brilliance to the max.
I'm so inspired, I'm going to go home and plant grass in my green room.
very sweet, and eventually heartbreaking.
we wrote something on this at obtusity
Great song, cool glasses, neat grass on the floor. I wonder what the budget was; this wasn't nearly as epic as their last couple videos. But it worked well in the small moments. The lead guy reminded me of the guy from Me and You and Everyone We Know.
good to see u back, obtusy.
w/ Lucas Haas | mp4
of Mars Attacks! fame?
^indeed. Also of Brick. :)