Beck - "Modern Guilt" (dir.?)
erm, that's gamma ray you've linked to. the modern guilt medley/teaser is here. (warhol, factory, blabla.)
I'd rather take the best 13 songs from the last three albums and have never heard the remainder. As for this whole sake of having visuals for every single song when are we going to start thinking about visual pollution. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Anyway, this has a few loose seconds of which aroused a mild interest but i only watched it as its beck.
Maybe thats what beck is getting at? New pollution? He's definitely a media whore.
I liked the edit on the modern guilt teaser.
dir. Beck, also dir. "Orphans".
Actually dir. Autumn de Wilde - link - beckbeckbeck
I was referring to the "Modern Guilt" promo, not to "Gamma Ray" which has its own post now. (cf)