Radiohead - House Of Cards (Dir. James Frost)

Great stuff. Kraftwerk 30 years later.
This is ridiculously awesome. The interactive video is cool, but the actual edit is genius... with the telephone poles disintegrating. Wow. Their best video since "Street Spirit."
hands down this looks amazing. I'm jealous of how great the technique is. Generally love this kind of stuff.
But... was this the right radiohead song for this technique? Seems a bit glitchy for such a smooth song. Just putting that out there.
here is another computer generated thom:
also reminds me of: which was done in a completely different way.
having said all that, I do think it is a great video.
so amazing
this video (together with the song) makes me think of a beautifully adorned tin cup.
le: or tin man. however, the more i watch it, the more i enjoy it. sound off, vid grows on you.
what happened to the hater in you, legion? I kid. :)
the digital artist in me ate the hater for dinner. but since you mentioned it, it's only normal to like this (one of a)kind of videos , and dislike that other kind
wow that was really cool. props to radiohead for continuously pushing the limit.
Superb - it's one thing to capture the 'images' but another to make something I could watch out of it.
@shoplifter - this is entirely the right number, a lullaby to soothe both the benighted and the hoarse prophets of doom. A great corollary (track and video) to The Clock. Made me think of the zen CGI-constructed post apocalypse documentary Life After People (and perhaps even more affective/effective).
i actually think the tone of the song matches quite well with the style of the video.
wrote an analysis here
ha - knew/hoped you would. word, obtusy.
Nice images but that's all.
the ending is much better than the start. in fact, as soon as you stop seeing thom yorke's face it's much better... maybe there's a pattern there.
so far the best video of the year, any quicktime?
I'm with ai.
speaking of pretty pictures, here's another "without" idea that might be worth a whirl: a lens-less camera.
I know i don't go out that often, but this (sound & vision) has to be one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen.
Incredible use of a new technology (those that complain about Kraftwerk and compare it to any other 3D CGI vid are missing the point). I recall another vid that used a technique that ended up looking similar but was completely video-processing-based, no lasers.
An I ache for a non-blurry, non chunky-pixelled version.
Really awesome story behind this one! Struggled to make it all the way through!
you know me too well progosk.
thx wedged: infrastructural collapse in (or near) its reverberant glory.
Here's Thom Yorke above Google Earth; group (via promonews)