Bryn Christopher "Smilin'" Dir:Sam Brown

another new Sam Brown vid. Like this a lot... MOV
erm... albeit slightly formulaic for brown, this was enjoyable. (tho: surely those ballons/that guy should have got shot, no?)
Look likes the same warehouse as "The Pretender" video.
i enjoyed that too for the most part. a bit random, but cool visuals as usual.
but that checkered floor is an eye sore. whose idea was that? the balloons are a bit tacky as well. i think it would have been better not to have anything
Flares are so 70s
The symmetrical race cars arrival was neat. Showing the infastructure of your aesthetic effects seems to be the next logical step when everyone starts using the same effects - flares and particles etc. had some ok moments of connection between the singer and the girls but the art direction was too neo gothic matrix meets warehouse party to have any lasting impression on me.
I like the shot where the girl opens the bag of golden particles n front of the fan. As wing says above showing the infrastructure of the effect does help but it is still just flares and particles which seem to be all the rage at the moment. I liked the use of the race cars but the rest of the art direction was pretty bad. I'm not sure whether the aesthetic was meant to be bad taste or not which is why it probably doesn't quite work. Definitely better then the last sam brown one that was posted here.